Sunday, August 21, 2016

21st Classrooms - The Physical Space

Take a look at the
furniture used in this model classroom. What are your first impressions? What effects would this type of setup have on the overall classroom environment? How might you modify or enhance what you see? 

Use the comments area below to share your thoughts.


  1. I would love to have the SPACE in my classroom to have a setup similar to this!

  2. My first impression is that the environment is cold. I do not find this environment very inviting. Although I like the possibilities to more furniture around.

  3. I see opportunities for students to work collaboratively. The environment appears very sterile to me. I like how the peices appear to be easy to move, redesign and manipulate according to individual and group learning needs and preferences. Then I think about budget...

  4. I love the collaborative space. Definitely not the classroom that I grew up with, however, would have loved to as a child.

  5. I love this space. I am planning an alternative seating environment in my classroom as well. This physical space allows for many small group environments. I would modify it slightly by allowing for private, individual spaces as well. Modular furniture (pillows, benches, etc.) that can be moved to a comfortable space in the classroom would also be an option for me.

  6. I'm not comfortable with this space. I find it too sterile. I'd still like to see some centres, comfy places, individual work areas. I may want to see display areas, invitations displayed to create interest. None of these are in this space.
